Simple Chemical Burns to the Eye

If you haven’t read my earlier post about simple foreign body removal from the eye please do so since a lot of the material covered will be similar. However, treating a chemical or fine particle injury to the eye is very different. Hence this writeup. Here, there’s nothing physical in the eye to remove but the patient is still in significant pain. I can remember specifically one patient who got a face-full … Continue reading Simple Chemical Burns to the Eye

Simple Foreign Body Removal from the Eye

So I’ve been performing eye exams on and off for the past 4 months. First in a emergency room up north and now at an occupational health clinic. If anything, I’ve learned 2 things: (1) everyone does the examination differently but every step gets done. (2) You’re going to see a lot of eye injuries. Human’s eyes are just asking to be injured. They are wide open every second you’re … Continue reading Simple Foreign Body Removal from the Eye